Innsmouth Church – 30 x 50
Innsmouth Church Map

If you like what you see consider supporting me on Patreon and get a lot of content for your games.

  • grid & gridless maps
  • multiple variations (day & night, weather, special)
  • low & high resolution (70 PPI & 140 PPI)
  • bonus content like tokens and assets

By becoming a patron you will be able to download VTT files to be used with Roll20, Foundry VTT and Fantasy Grounds.

At the end of each month I publish a Foundry Module that includes all the maps of the current month personally curated by me.

Where does madness leave off and reality begin?

― H.P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth

Welcome to Innsmouth Church! This is the seaport’s Cathedral, built to honor the Deep Ones! Here you can investigate the aisles, nave, choir, or chapels with these weird creatures’ statues and even weirder inscriptions on them. You can have a chat with the priest in his office or a tour of his special books’ collection. Will you also attend the Ceremony? Maybe you should check your sanity after witnessing all of these..

Enjoy the Day & Night variations for: Innsmouth Church, Funeral, Ceremony and Abandoned variation without the Deep Ones – to be used in post-apocalyptic scenarios more freely.

With this map you get:

  • grid & gridless variations
  • PNG files, low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
  • day & night variations
  • ceremony, funeral, abandoned variations
  • dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
  • High-resolution WebP files
  • A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights, and more.


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Caves of the Thousand Buddhas Map
Salem Library Map
Lombardo's Tailor Shop Map
Fifth Avenue - Apartment Building
This is an alley chase scene

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