Tomb of Tutankhamun – 27 x 20
Tomb of Tutankhamun Map

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  • multiple variations (day & night, weather, special)
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At the end of each month I publish a Foundry Module that includes all the maps of the current month personally curated by me.

When the world says,
Give up.
Hope whispers..
Try it one more time.

― King Tutankhamun

As the sun sank below desert sands, our expedition entered the newly discovered pharaoh’s tomb. Carvings inlaid with precious stones told of Tutankhamun’s journey, yet an air of menace permeated cramped passages.

Torches cast jagged shadows amongst artifacts left undisturbed for millennia. We measured decorative sarcophagi and canopic jars holding unsettling contents. But an inner chamber at the tomb’s heart drew me towards its oppressive darkness.

Within lay the pharaoh’s innermost coffin, inscriptions warning of vengeance should its veil be breached. As the torchlight intensified, words seemed to writhe before my eyes, chanting curses in an arcane tongue.

My companions fled in terror, but unseen forces refused my retreat. Turning, only a robed acolyte remained amidst the tomb’s cursed relics. Slowly, it glided forth, muttering that for their sacrilege I would serve the vengeful king eternally.

Dragged into enveloping blackness, I awoke surrounded by horrors that defied the mortal realm. Blood-drenched priests arranged arcane tributes as mummified monstrosities shambled, bound to Tutankhamun’s blasphemous will.

They seized me, subjecting my flesh to depraved rites that leaked nightmares into reality. Now, as guards seal the violated tomb once more, its new occupant remains entombed within – my decaying sanity the pharaoh’s plaything for eternity in retribution against the the living who stirred the tomb’s long dormant evils. Let all beware disturbing this place of the damned, for Tutankhamun’s wrath knows no bounds.

With this map you get:

  • grid & gridless variations
  • PNG files, low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
  • splatter & ceremony variations
  • floor plans
  • dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
  • High-resolution WebP files
  • A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights, and more.

Tomb of Tutankhamun

Tomb of Tutankhamun – Splatter

Tomb of Tutankhamun – Ceremony

Tomb of Tutankhamun – Floor Plan


Architect's Office & Staff Canteen Map
Sewers Map
Town Hall map
Ruth's Irish Pub Map
Boarding House Map
Fishing Boat Map

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