Storage Unit – 28 x 28
Storage Unit map

If you like what you see consider supporting me on Patreon and get a lot of content for your games.

  • grid & gridless maps
  • multiple variations (day & night, weather, special)
  • low & high resolution (70 PPI & 140 PPI)
  • bonus content like tokens and assets

By becoming a patron you will be able to download VTT files to be used with Roll20, Foundry VTT and Fantasy Grounds.

At the end of each month I publish a Foundry Module that includes all the maps of the current month personally curated by me.

In the future we would have total storage, all of us would, our media libraries would dematerialise and just float above us, books would no longer sit on the shelves reminding us that we had not read them, music and TV and film formats would no longer clutter the den reminding us of all we had not yet listened to or watched.

― Joshua Cohen, Book of Numbers

Need some extra space for storage, your workout gadgets or your illegal activities? Welcome to the Storage Unit! So many different options for your investigators to explore. Watch out the weird lights coming out from rooms 19 & 32. Security guard says he could hear some hissing and whispering from storage room no 32. What could be hiding behind this door? Dare to open it?

With this map you get:

  • grid & gridless variations
  • PNG files, low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
  • day & night variations
  • splatter & floor plan variations
  • dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
  • High-resolution WebP files
  • A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights, and more. In total you will find 72 different tiles to mix & match and create your custom Storage Unit.


Japanese Dojo Map
Warehouse with Illegal Distillery Map
Big Mansion Map
Here is a small hotel map where your investigators may rest while they solve the mystery.
Innsmouth Inn Map
Train Map

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