It was a song, but not the song of any voice. Night and the spheres sang it, and it was old when space and Nyarlathotep and the Other Gods were born.
― The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath by H.P. Lovecraft
Welcome to the Occult Bookstore!
You can find all sorts of weird books and symbols here, in order to decipher this weird message that you found on your doorstep! Take the rest of the investigators and pay a visit to this bookstore, the owner seems to know a lot. You can also visit during the night, as the owner lives just upstairs. Maybe you will interrupt a weird ceremony taking place on the owner’s flat. I really don’t think it’s a good idea to attend without a special invitation. Watch out!
With this map you get:
- grid & gridless variations
- PNG files, low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
- day & night variations
- ceremony variation
- floorplan variation
- dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
- High-resolution WebP files
- A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights, and more. You will also find many objects in the paddings of each Scene to use in your game.