I had noticed that both in the very poor and very rich extremes of society, the mad were often allowed to mingle freely.
― Charles Bukowski, Ham on Rye
Mr. Rich owns a summer house. He has some cars, a garage, a gym and a beautiful summer house. Mr. Rich enjoys visiting his summer house and watching the fish in his small pond.Mr. Rich owns a lot of stuff but he is missing one thing. Let your investigators find out the missing part of Mr. Rich.
Included in this release you will find:
- grid & gridless maps
- low (70 PPI) & high (140 PPI) resolutions
- day & night variations
- with tokens & without tokens
- dd2vtt files for FoundryVTT & Roll20
- WebP files
- A monthly Foundry Module with all the maps of the month personally curated by me with walls, windows, doors, lights and more.