Certainly, the terror of a deserted house swells in geometrical rather than arithmetical progression as houses multiply to form a city of stark desolation. The sight of such endless avenues of fishy-eyed vacancy and death, and the thought of such linked infinities of black, brooding compartments given over to cob-webs and memories and the conqueror worm, start up vestigial fears and aversions that not even the stoutest philosophy can disperse.
― H.P. Lovecraft, The Shadow over Innsmouth
Welcome to Innsmouth Post Office! If you ever find yourself in this eerie place, you will probably need to pay a visit to the post office, in order to communicate with the outside world. There is an old telegraph that can be used to send your desperate messages. If you are a local you can always visit the P.O. boxes and get your letters. Although the post office is next to the sea, there is nothing fishy going on here, is there?
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